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Serial number 18851048, R 881
106 54 Stockholm
puh. +46 565 147 00
FTA-member FTA-member

7 Nordic finalists at the FlexoTech Awards

julkaisuajankohta: 14.09.2021

7 Nordic finalists at the FlexoTech Awards

Oh’ what a year! There have been many different waves this year, but flexo packaging printing still continues to be strong. Printed paper, plastics, corrugated and so on; There is a great need for high quality printing. Achieving a perfect print result means seamless collaboration between the stakeholders and requires a lot of experience. The competition is getting tougher from year to year and the average quality level is increasing continuously. As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach finals and even get prizes in printing competitions. 

Choosing a winning print is hard work. Very often the perfect print slips away from the hands; it was slit, converted and delivered before we could even collect enough print samples for the upcoming printing competitions. Even collecting of the samples from the process requires special care and, finally, the print has to be printed carefully, in perfect register and in a controlled manner.

Proof of the close cooperation between Marvaco and its printer partners is the continuously improving trend of becoming nominated finalist and being awarded in international printing competitions. There has been a remarkable continuous history of FlexoTech Awards nominations in 2004, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and now even 2021 to celebrate the success of our printer partners. Based on this experience, we can conclude that the practice makes better; this year we even had the largest number of printed works with our printing partners at the FlexoTech Awards finals. 

How this all was possible? Well, it’s hard work and teamwork that no one could do alone! Persistently everyone in the supply chain has tried and learned from the past; The collaboration includes all stakeholders through brand owners, DTP, plate making, mounting, printing and converting. The inks, aniloxes, plates, mounting tapes, maintenance – every detail has been perfected to achieve the optimal result and maximum production efficiency. A common factor can be seen in our finalist jobs; these are all process printed jobs, in which only a few are printed with a spot color. This has been a continuing trend among Nordic printers, and the local high-quality competition has even led to increased use of Expanded Gamut Printing (EGPTM). This development has also led to better sustainability and improved productivity! 

Congratulations to the nominated finalists 2021!
Peltolan Pussi: Flexible packaging narrow web for Myllarin Luomu Lettu – Ja Vohvelijauho.
Peltolan Pussi: Best use of ECG for Myllarin Luomu Lettu – Ja Vohvelijauho.
Pyroll Group: Best use of ECG for Rosten Siemen Rapeat Kaura Speltti & Merisuola.
Westpak: Flexible packaging medium web for Leroy Torsk Lettsaktet 250g.
RKW Finland: Process colours only for Heineken Euro 2020 8x33cl.
Elecster: Flexible packaging wide web for Tukuma Skabais Krems.
DS Smith: Corrugated post-print (E and F flute) for Mansikkalaatikko.

Thank you very much for the excellent cooperation to all of our partners – these moments are very rewarding and give strength and trust to keep going! 

Information about the competition and finalists:
FlexoTech International Print & Innovations Awards 2021 on 13th of October at the Royal Lancaster London –  

– Our sincere congratulations to all finalists for their hard work and good results! 

#FTAwards21 #Collaboration #BrandColors #Sustainability #GreenerPrinting #ExpandedGamut #CMYKOGV #HiQ_EGP #EGP #ECG #Package #Pakkaus #Packaging #Flexography #PeltolanPussi #Pyroll #Westpak #RKW_Finland #Elecster #DSSmith #Marvaco 

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