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Fakturering Marvaco AB

Serial number 18851048, R 881
106 54 Stockholm
tel. +46 565 147 00


Kumpulantie 3
FI-00520 Helsingfors
tel. +358 26 347 530


Savipajakatu 10
FI-28610 Björneborg
tel. +358 26 347 500
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FI-33100 Tammerfors
tel. +358 26 347 529

Fakturering Marvaco Oy

Serial number 18851030, R 881
106 54 Stockholm
tel. +358 44 402 4503
fax. +358 26 347 510
FTA-member FTA-member

Marvaco’s customers' awarded success continues

publicerad: 19.08.2013

The international success of Marvaco’s customer co-operation will continue in the FlexoTech 2013 competition. The pallet ribbon job “HAU HAU Champion” printed by Pa-Hu Oy is involved in the awards ceremony in London, England 17th of October.

Marvaco, in cooperation with the Finnish packaging forerunner Pa-Hu Oy, has received nomination for the finals in FlexoTech Awards 2013 with the pallet ribbon work "HAU HAU Champion”. Marvaco carried out the repro and platemaking.

The nomination and becoming selected as one of the top three jobs in finals is a very high tribute to the quality and professional way of working in this competition.

The print job of Pa-Hu Oy represents the latest knowledge of printing and prepress. The printing was carried out using only process printing’s three colors: cyan, magenta, and yellow. This means that the level of efficiency and quality has been raised to the top, but it still does not compromise on the quality and color gamut.

- It is no coincidence that in recent years Finland has had continuous competition successes with the same technique, tells Tapio Alanko, Marvaco’s Customer Service Manager. In flexography the jobs are traditionally printed with process and spot colors, which increases costs and inefficiency. Marvaco’s years of development work to improve efficiency with printer customized process printing is on a very high level and has received recognition internationally.

- Finnish print quality level is typically very high, but a complete success requires a deep commitment between the partners. This way we can get the best out from the printing machines, states Alanko and adds that the jury praised in particular the Pa-Hu's perfect color registration accuracy.

This achievement continues Marvaco’s co-operation’s success, which during the last ten years has received more than 20 international awards and honors.

Marvaco is the most awarded packaging pre-media and flexo plate supplier in Scandinavia, employing ca. 80 prepress professionals in Finland and Sweden. In Sweden Marvaco operates under name Linds Flexo since the beginning of August 2013.

For more information, please contact Customer Service Manager Tapio Alanko, tapio.alanko@marvaco.fi, +358-43-8243081.

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