
Mogatan 4
SE-25464 Helsingborg
tel. +46 42 247 300


Sundgatan 11B
SE-68633 Sunne
tel. +46 565 147 00


SE- Göteborg
tel. +46 790 66 15 17

Fakturering Marvaco AB

Serial number 18851048, R 881
106 54 Stockholm
tel. +46 565 147 00


Kumpulantie 3
FI-00520 Helsingfors
tel. +358 26 347 530


Savipajakatu 10
FI-28610 Björneborg
tel. +358 26 347 500
fax. +358 26 347 510


Åkerlundinkatu 11 B
FI-33100 Tammerfors
tel. +358 26 347 529

Fakturering Marvaco Oy

Serial number 18851030, R 881
106 54 Stockholm
tel. +358 44 402 4503
fax. +358 26 347 510
FTA-member FTA-member

Rani Plast received Full HD Flexo partnercertificate

publicerad: 20.08.2014

Picture: From the left Production Manager Reijo Kauppi and Prepress Specialist Kimmo Krintilä

Ab Rani Plast Oy has received the Full HD Flexo -partner certificate due to its high print quality together with Marvaco. The highly appreciated certificate was received from EskoArtwork. This recognition is 10th in the world and the fifth in the Nordic Countries.

The new Full HD Flexo technology delivered from Marvaco produces strong and vivid colours together with the smooth vignettes fading to zero. This also makes the job changes e.g. from gravure printing to flexo printing easy.

The Production Manager Reijo Kauppi from Rani Plast tells that the difference in quality is visible and quality like this has not been see in flexo printing earlier.

Marko Valkamo, Production Director at Marvaco, has refined the Full HD Flexo to a tailored solution to Rani Plast and tells that only handful of printers have achieve the high quality level that is required to fulfill the demanding Full HD Flexo criteria.

Ab Rani Plast Oy is the leading packaging solution provider in the Nordic Countries and offers customer service with a personal touch. 

Marvaco Oy is the leading and most awarded packaging prepress house in the Nordic Countries delivering annually over 20.000 packaging visuals with 70 professionals in Sweden and Finland.

Read more: www.raniplast.com

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