
Mogatan 4
SE-25464 Helsingborg
tel. +46 42 247 300


Sundgatan 11B
SE-68633 Sunne
tel. +46 565 147 00


SE- Göteborg
tel. +46 790 66 15 17

Fakturering Marvaco AB

Serial number 18851048, R 881
106 54 Stockholm
tel. +46 565 147 00


Kumpulantie 3
FI-00520 Helsingfors
tel. +358 26 347 530


Savipajakatu 10
FI-28610 Björneborg
tel. +358 26 347 500
fax. +358 26 347 510


Åkerlundinkatu 11 B
FI-33100 Tammerfors
tel. +358 26 347 529

Fakturering Marvaco Oy

Serial number 18851030, R 881
106 54 Stockholm
tel. +358 44 402 4503
fax. +358 26 347 510
FTA-member FTA-member

Season's Greetings!

publicerad: 20.12.2018

Wrapping up the Xmas with EGP

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019! 

Thank you to all our clients and partners for the pleasant year of 2018! This year has been fulfilled with many interesting projects and we are looking forward to the 2019. What could be a better way finishing the year than wrapping up the new Expanded Gamut Printing partner certificates into a nicely glowing EGP-Xmas wrapping.

We are looking forward to next nice projects to make packaging printing more sustainable with Greener Printing EGP. Special thanks for the EGP Xmas wrapping paper to Flint Group and Soma Engineering for the great cooperation with this project!

#GreenerPrinting #Sustainability #HiQ_EGP #EGP #ECG #ExpandedGamut #CMYKOGV #BrandColors
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